This is very brief (just two minutes) but really cool.
A Study in Choreography for Camera. Maya Deren. 1945. ⚄
This is very brief (just two minutes) but really cool.
A Study in Choreography for Camera. Maya Deren. 1945. ⚄
That’s a lot of birthin’. How many kittens is this cat gonna have?
I didn’t know that cats panted like this… perhaps this one was brought up by dogs.
Now there’s even more chatons! I think it’s like seven now? Is the entire movie just going to be a cat giving birth to way too many kittens?
Family life.
Daddy’s home.
This is a very cute movie, but it would have been even better if the cats were in focus for like a millisecond.
This is a cute little movie (30 minutes long), but it’s basically just a litter being born and then growing up a bit. It’s very… unambitious?
The Private Life of a Cat. Alexander Hammid, Maya Deren. 1946. ⚃
I have no idea what’s supposed to happen in this short, but I like it.
Ritual in Transfigured Time. Maya Deren. 1946. ⚄