That’s a lot of grain, dude.
Oh, that sounds familiar…
Anyway, is this the movie that ends with the guy telling people to scream out the window? Or… is that something else?
It’s a satire? I.e., not actually funny?
Oh, I think I was thinking of Network (which was from the 70s). This is from 1987! I was thinking “wow, William Hurt looks old to be like 27”.
Oh, right.
Oh, that’s her!
I’m having some problems getting into this, and I’m not sure at all why. The base mood is basically… Hill Street Blues? But with a plot line that’s all satirical and critical of the news business and how fake (*gasp*) it is and stuff.
It’s refreshing to see actors without fillers and botox again. We used to think of the 80s as being so over-the-top glamorous, but then the trend just continued and now nobody protests at the otherworldly faces on the screens.
Button down shirts! I’ve been reading the menswear guy lately… I didn’t know what that expression referred to before.
I’m not sure whether we have those in Europe? A Brooks Brothers invention, I think he said.
See those buttons?
Oh oh I’ve seen this before! Probably at the time? I remember this sweaty scene!
Yes, it’s him.
I really liked the ending. (SPOILERS!) The movie kind of sets up Holly Hunter to choose between Hurt (who’s very nice, but fake) and Brooks (who’s a bit of a dick, but serious), and goes for the unusual solution of: How about none of them?
Which is the only right solution.
But it’s not that the movie aged badly, but more like it’s… I dunno. For large stretches of this movie, I just didn’t really connect. Is it just that it’s too long for the material? (It’s 2h10m.)
Broadcast News. James L. Brooks. 1987. ⚃