I’m guessing I have seen this before (I mean, it’s a classic), but I have no recollection of doing so. So it’s possible that it’s just passed me by?
This opening scene doesn’t ring any bells either.
Love that shot and that juxtaposition.
Oh, now it does seem familiar to me… I think I may have seen this when I was like… ten? Or something? I think it might have been shown on TV.
The only thing I remember is feeling so sorry for the Jon Voight character for being so painfully stupid, and … that it ends in tragedy. Or perhaps just for the Dustin Hoffman character? I can almost envisioning him freezing to death on the streets or something.
Why were everybody so sweaty back then!
See, he’s stupid? He reads comics!
Oh no! Now I remember the ending… on the bus to Florida?
I’m really enjoying this movie — I’m like going “they really knew how to make movies back then *grumble* *grumble* these days”. But I’m also thinking the same things from when I was 10 — 1) why doesn’t he, like, just get a job?, and 2) is it humanly possible to be as stupid as that guy?
Nooo the Mary Jane is hitting! Not the reefer madness!
This is the kind of movie where you’d go “we used to be a nation! we made proper movies!” Because this is indeed a proper movie.
I think it’s a bit flabby in the last third? But I mean, it’s great.
Midnight Cowboy. John Schlesinger. 1969. ⚅