
This is risibly awful. This is like one of those things people point to as being embarrassing TV dramas. Only shorter.

The script is awful beyond belief.

The only redeeming thing here is the actors, who really try to make this happen. They don’t succeed, but they sure work hard.

Stella. Alan Clarke. 1967.

The Gentleman Caller

Yes, I’ve finally starting the Alan Clarke box set: Dissent & Disruption. It’s, like, the biggest BFI box set ever or something.

Like most of the world, I’ve not seen many (or any) of Clarke’s pieces, because he almost only worked for the ITV and BBC (with one exception when they refused to show his work). So I’m totes excited.

This is way before its time — it’s from 1967 but looks like a 1977 TV thing.

Wow, this is some extreme TV. I can’t even imagine what the poor people in the UK were thinking when they were subjected to this.

The Gentleman Caller. Alan Clarke. 1967.