Oh, wow.
OK, I’m continuing my Festival of 80s Cinematheque Favourites… but I’m not sure I ever saw this one at the time?
It’s very Greenaway… I guessing this is before The Cook, The Thief, His Wife And Her Etc? That was his first … well, not exactly mainstream success, but that movie definitely made a splash, and I see people still referencing it on the Twitters.
And looking at his movies:
That movie also marked the end of his run of movies that were notable, really? I guess Prospero’s Books was also notable… Oh, and I’ve heard people mentioning The Pillow Book, too. So perhaps that’s just me. The Cook etc was the final movie of his I’ve seen. Perhaps I should fix that, even if I have been slightly disappointed wen rewatching his 80s movies.
I wonder what that German Twitter account (i.e., @dieworkwear) would say of this suit… I mean, both buttons are er buttoned.
I was going to do a joke about “you can clearly see this is science fiction, because he got the copier to do what he wanted immediately”, but then I noticed that the original image wasn’t even facing the scanner in the snap above the above one.
As you’d expect with a Greenaway movie, this looks really good. But there’s the extra distancing thing going on here with many scenes being filmed without sound and then the dialogue is flown in afterwards (presumably because they’re using an Italian film crew?)…
I guess Brian Dennehy isn’t bad, really? He’s much better than I’d expect an American character actor to be in an European art movie.
Greenaway has the best set designers.
This is what I want my living room to look like.
Ah, so that’s how all those statues lost their noses…
Eh… I’m not really feeling this movie. I keep getting distracted because I’m not really interested in what’s happening? And like I said, Dennehy isn’t bad, but he isn’t fascinating, either. And he had to carry a lot of this movie.
The movie feels a bit flabby, which I don’t think you could say about Greenaway’s previous movies, really.
OK, I’m not quite sure what’s happening now, because I zoned out.
OK, nice roll to those lapels… and no collar gap OH NO @dieworkwear HAS RUINED ME
Anyway, I was rather shocked by the totally hackneyed birth/death scene at the end? C’mon, Greenaway. You could do better.
The Belly of an Architect. Peter Greenaway. 1987. ⚂