This is a fun way to start a movie… but… is this referring to the previous Venom movie or the Spider-Man multiverse movie? I don’t know!
So here’s the problem — I like movies that doesn’t explain things at us. But I’m not at all sure whether I’m just supposed to get references to previous movies (that I don’t remember at all) or other movies (that I don’t remember, either), and that’s just frustrating. That is, I don’t know whether I’m supposed to be confused (complementary) or whether I’m just not getting some fan service (derogatory).
That’s a normal amount of mascara and eye shadow for a top scientist.
I love how they commit to the dirty t-shirt bit. Tom Hardy is a hero — most other leading actors would have insisted on cooler clothes.
This is like a perfect super-hero movie.
Oops! Just after I said that thing about the t-shirt he changes into a dinner jacket.
The first third of this is a lot of fun…
… and then the last two thirds are just a long fight scene, mostly CGI in the dark. These are choices.
I understand both the tomatometer and the popcronmeter here: If you’re a professional reviewer having to review this thing, you’re not going to like it. It’s pretty oddly paced, and lacks all the things that make a “good movie”. On the other hand, if you’re an audience member who’ve watched two of these movie before, and you choose to watch this one — you’re not going to be disappointed, because it’s more of the thing you liked in the first two movies… only even more so.
Myself, I liked it. I think it’s better than the first two movies — it’s really focused. It’s mostly just one fight scene after we get past setting the scene? It feels like you’re watching a stupid super-hero comic book, for better or worse.
Venom: The Last Dance. Kelly Marcel. 2024. ⚃
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