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The Hallelujah Handshake

These Alan Clarke movies have been hit and miss… more miss than hit? But I kinda enjoy them in an instinctual, nostalgic way, anyway — if it’s a BBC movie from 1970, it’s gonna be something, even if it’s gonna be awful.

Nice hairdo.

Oh, this is one of these movies where we’re listening in to everybody’s thoughts?

Another nice hairdo!

Not all these thoughts are…

Heh, OK, that one was a good one.

No, they ditched the internal monologue thing, and now it’s about a mysterious stranger who’s going to join the congregation.

So he’s Satan, I guess? Or possibly Jesus? I DON”T KNOW


I’m leaning towards Satan. But his constant refrain of wanting “to work with young people” perhaps means that he’s just a pedo?


Hang on… are these two characters played by the same actors, but in different wigs?

No, but casting agents in general should be fired. Cast more different-looking people!

OK, now I think he’s Jesus.

OK, now I changed my mind again.

OK, perhaps he’s Jesus?

OK, definitely Jesus.

Oh, now he joined a Catholic church? (They threw him out of the first church for being too creepy.) Or is it just a grand Church of England one? Definitely Satan, then.

Or is this just about how the Church of England accepts insane, icky people into its ranks?

Er… all my guesses were wrong? But too late to edit now!

The Hallelujah Handshake. Alan Clarke. 1970.

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