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Boy Meets Girl

I’m continuing my 80s Arthouse Film Festival with this movie — which I haven’t seen before (or indeed any Leos Carax movies, I think). But I got a Carax box set because Denis Lavant is in this, and Claire Denis cast him in Beau Travail because of these movies, so I wanted to have a look.

Hey! That’s very solution orientated.

She’s a woman of culture.

Um… I dunno. This is the sort of film that seems like something I’d really like, but I’m not really feeling it. The performances are super stilted and stylised — but not in a Robert Bresson way, but more like in a fumbley way?

And the plot (FSVO plot) isn’t exactly gripping either.

The film wants to say something about movie history and reality, I think? There’s a lot of people observing other people and stuff. But it seems kinda half baked to me.


It is the debut feature by Leos Carax, a film he directed when he was only 24 years old. Like most of the other films in the cinéma du look movement, in which Carax was a key member, it’s not very story-driven and instead favours strange plot tangents and a cool distance from its characters.

Cinéma du look? Nice.

But I mean… look at these shots. They look amazing. So it’s impossible to just dismiss this movie, even if it’s perhaps mostly just a goofy comedy.

By the end here, I was super impatient with the movie. So:

Boy Meets Girl. Leos Carax. 1984.

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