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The Tempest

Hey! Futura!

I think I’ve seen this before — probably in the late 80s, at the local Cinematheque. I don’t remember anything about it, though…

And I’m not sure whether I’ve seen any traditional stagings of The Tempest.

Obviously some white balance problems.

I was thinking what Toyah’s performance reminds me of… and it’s Jennifer Saunders when she’s doing a High Culture skit. That wide-eyed thing.

OK, that’s not quite fair.

Heh heh:

Toyah Willcox, who played Miranda, said: “Derek cut out the boring bits, which I’m very grateful for, because Shakespeare doesn’t half gabble on.”

He’s very bad at chopping wood.

I feel for this wonderful building they filmed this in.

I think half the budget went on sailors’ suits.

This is good stuff, but is it great? It’s mostly… slightly less than riveting? But it’s very good.

The Tempest. Derek Jarman. 1979.

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